
Research & Development

Innovative projects that challenge the status quo require a unique and flexible process that encourages exploration and effectively manages risks.

Innovative projects are often based on invalidated assumptions and hypotheses. Once solved they bring a lot of value. But they also pose a lot of technological risks. We help you execute R&D projects with our custom process focused on exploration, risk management and prototyping.


  • shorten the number of cycles necessary to validate hypothesis
  • creatively approach asking the right questions
  • actively engage you and your scientific/engineering team in to problem solving
  • deliver working prototype of your product

Our R&D process


  • Define and Understand the Problem — We start by thoroughly understanding the problem we intend to solve. We engage with stakeholders, conduct interviews, and gather data to gain insights into the problem’s scope and impact.
  • Define project Goals, Objectives, and Stakeholder Expectations: We collectively define the goals and objectives of our project. We understand what our stakeholders (including end—users, investors, and partners) expect from our solution.


  • Explore Possible Solutions — We brainstorm and explore a wide range of potential solutions to the identified problem. This phase may involve conducting user tests or engaging with potential users to gather feedback and refine our ideas.
  • Market Research — We analyze the market to identify trends, customer needs, and competitors. We determine the feasibility of our solution in the current market landscape.
  • Scientific Literature Research — If our solution involves advanced technology, we delve into scientific literature to understand the state of the art and potential breakthroughs in the field.

3.Prototyping and Testing

  • Iterate Through Prototyping — We collectively develop prototypes or proof—of—concepts (PoCs) to test different aspects of our solution. We iterate and refine our prototypes based on feedback.
  • PoCs Implementation — We implement more advanced PoCs to validate the technical feasibility of our solution. This may involve research and development activities.
  • Risk Assessment Testing — We attack the riskiest parts of the product to validate the client’s or our own assumptions. We do that by performing a RAT test (Riskiest Assumption Test).

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